Sym Mask 50 Insurance

Sym Mask 50 Insurance

Why spend more when you can save money on your Sym Mask 50 insurance policy? At Scoot Scoot, we can get you the cheapest insurance deals in the UK so that you can pay less for better protection. We are the UK’s leading insurance comparing site, helping thousands of scooter owners like you get best-value insurance deals. You can benefit too. All you have to do is fill in a single application form, and within minutes, we’ll send you the best deals on offer. It’s free and non-obligatory. Don’t hesitate. Start saving today.

Sym Mask 50 Description

The Mask 50 is equipped with a 4-stroke, single cylinder engine; the same one found in the Jet and Crox models that delivers exceptional fuel economy and solid performance. The latest Mask 50 also comes incorporated with fuel injection for improved performance. A combined braking system ensures accurate braking in all conditions. It also comes with under-seat storage space, LED lighting, and a keyless filler cap.

Is Insurance Necessary?

You are legally obliged to insure your scooter in the UK before riding it on public roads. Therefore, you must have at least the basicinsurance cover – the third party only policy. Otherwise, you could be finedand your scooter could also be seized.

Types of Sym Mask 50 Insurance

There are three insurance policies you can choose from when looking to insure your scooter. They are the Comprehensive, the Third Party, fire and the theft and Third Party only policies.

Comprehensive Policy

This policy provides cover for injuries and damages to your scooter if an accident occurs. Any third party involved is also protected under the comprehensivepolicy. It also protects you against damages and loss of yourscooter due to theft, fire and flood.

Third Party, Fire and Theft

Aside from protecting you against third person liability, the third party, fire and theft insurance policy also pays out in the event your scooter gets damaged in a fire or stolen.

Third Party Only

The third party only policy only protects you against third-party liabilities. This means that when there’s an accident, this policy covers only third parties’ medical treatment and the repair or replacement of their properties.

Reducing the Cost of Premium

There are a variety of ways you can lower your insurance premium. Some of these include:


Installing an approved security device such as an alarm or GPS could get you a lower premium. Also,keeping your scooter in a locked garage or shed could reduce your insurance costs.

Voluntary Excess

To pay a lower Sym Mask 50 insurance premium, you should considerpaying a higher voluntary excess

Multi-bike Policy

Insuring your bikes under a single multi-bike policy could also reduce the cost of insuring your bike rather than having a separate policy for each.

Advanced Rider Course

You can also reduce your insurance premium if you complete an advanced rider course approved by the insurer.

Get Free Sym Mask 50 Insurance Quotes Today

Whether you are renewing your policy or starting afresh, don’t pass up this opportunity to get the cheapest Sym Mask 50 insurance quotes in the country. With access to the best insurers in the UK, we can get you the best quotes within minutes of showing interest. If you’ve got a cheaper quote elsewhere, we’ll beat it. That’s guaranteed! Get started now by requesting a free quote. You can also call us on 0333 577 6406 to get started.

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